Jubilee Hotel: Ready for renewal
November 30, 2021

Demolition of the non-heritage courtyard buildings has now made way for commencement of works to renew the Jubilee Hotel.
This iconic gathering place that has played a much-loved part in Brisbane’s history for over a century will soon be transformed. A modern expansion will complement the beautiful heritage character of the 133 year old Hotel.
The ‘new’ Jubilee Hotel plays a fundamental role in our precinct amenity and activation strategy, which is focussed around a landscaped plaza that is active on all sides.
The plaza organises the site by providing access from St Pauls Terrace to the rejuvenated Jubilee Hotel dining courtyard through a new laneway.
Multiple vantage points will overlook the plaza from within both the renewed Jubilee Hotel and Jubilee Place’s podium. Our architectural approach is designed to engage the inside with the outside, and to define this precinct as a three dimensional and active public space.